Abadžiluk 10 +387 033 239 590 www.muzejsarajeva.ba info@muzejsarajeva.ba ; muzejsarajeva@bih.net.ba This monumental building was built in 1551 by Rustem-pasha the Great Vizier of Sulejman Magnificent. The facility was used […]...
Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 21 +387 33 279 800 www.bosnjackiinstitut.ba info@bosnjackiinstitut.ba https://hr-hr.facebook.com/bosnjackiinstitut/ @bosinstitut A cultural and scientific educational institution involved in promotion, development and study of history, culture, cultural heritage, [&hel...
Halači 5, Velike Daire +387 33 239 943; +387 61 483 493 armis@masic@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Art-Kuca-Sevdaha-53939534405/ In the heart of Baščaršija there is the Sevdah House, where there are personal items […]...
Brodac br. 1 +387 033 529 820 www.gradskimuzeji.ba; www. arsaevi.ba info@gradskimuzeji.ba; arsaevi@arsaevi.ba https://www.facebook.com/ Ars Aevi Museum of Contemporary Art / @arsaevi The general concept of the international cultural project ARS […]...
Trg fra Grge Martića 2/III +387 33 953 170 www.galerija110795.ba info@galerija110795.ba facebook.com/Gallery110795/ Gallery 11/07/95 is the first memorial gallery-museum in Bosnia and Herzegovina created to preserve the memory of […]...