The Tourist Board of Sarajevo Canton has sent an initiative to the Federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton to immunize the population, employees in the tourism sector to be one of the priorities, as is the case in neighboring countries and the world.
According to the proposal of Kenan Magoda, the chairman of the TZKS Commission, earlier vaccination of tourism workers would create predispositions for the development of tourism, and thus the preservation of jobs.
There is no doubt that medical workers, the elderly and at-risk groups are the first priorities, but we believe that tourism workers should have priority after them, together with journalists, police officers and other employees who, as part of their work, are in direct and frequent contact with large number of people.
Vaccination of tourist workers would increase the possibility of a more successful upcoming tourist season, as well as the interest of tourists to visit Sarajevo and other tourist destinations in BiH. In the process of recovery of the tourism sector, it is extremely important to justify the obtained #SafeTravel label, ie to establish quality and safe living conditions for all tourists who visit the Sarajevo Canton.
Let us remind you, tourism is the fastest growing branch of the economy, whose income in 2019, according to the data of the Central Bank of BiH, amounted to more than 2 billion KM. Of that, Sarajevo Canton, as a tourist destination, makes up half of the tourist traffic in BiH. Due to the pandemic, the turnover of tourists in KS during 2020 fell by almost 80% compared to the previous year, which led to the loss of a large number of jobs in the tourism sector.